Cats are absolute geniuses when it comes to finding the purrfect spot to take a nap. Whether it’s on your favorite seat, on the top of your laptop, or window sill with the sunshine pouring down on their napping heads, but for reasons that have always eluded me, their absolute favorite are cardboard boxes. Whether if it’s a small cardboard box or a huge cardboard box, cats will do everything just to fit inside the box.
1. Not fit, but still sleep

2. But I will fit, that means I can sleep at here!
3. Small box, but still can fit
4. Not fit, but I make it fit
5. Not fit, but I will make me fit
6. Not fit, but half of me fit
7. Small box, but my feet fit
8. I will make this fit
9. The box is smaller, not me is bigger
10. Finally I fit this....
11. Not fit, but still comfortable
12. Not fit but I still take this box
13. Peekaboo
14. I guess this is the only one fit with the cat....
15. I feel great, even it is not fit...
16. Do not judge me, this fit my paws
17. Comfortable
18. Hi there hooman
19. This biscuit box is nice, I will take it
20. I feel so great!