People Are Crocheting Tiny Couches For Their Cats, And The Results Are – KingdomOfCats

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People Are Crocheting Tiny Couches For Their Cats, And The Results Are Adorable

Due to the current situation, many people are suddenly finding themselves with a lot of free time on their hands.

And many of those people have decided to spend it by putting those hands to use.

People are starting all kinds of different projects, and we’ve just been made aware of a particularly cute one; crocheted cat couches.

Yes, you read that right. People are now crocheting miniature couches for their feline family members.

And honestly, they look really cute.

Here are some of the best kitty-couch creations for you to enjoy (and perhaps get inspired by Boredpanda) in the gallery below.


People Are Crocheting Tiny Couches For Their Cats, And The Results Are Adorable


People Are Crocheting Tiny Couches For Their Cats, And The Results Are Adorable


People Are Crocheting Tiny Couches For Their Cats, And The Results Are Adorable


People Are Crocheting Tiny Couches For Their Cats, And The Results Are Adorable


People Are Crocheting Tiny Couches For Their Cats, And The Results Are Adorable


People Are Crocheting Tiny Couches For Their Cats, And The Results Are Adorable


People Are Crocheting Tiny Couches For Their Cats, And The Results Are Adorable


People Are Crocheting Tiny Couches For Their Cats, And The Results Are Adorable


People Are Crocheting Tiny Couches For Their Cats, And The Results Are Adorable


People Are Crocheting Tiny Couches For Their Cats, And The Results Are Adorable

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