It's considered common sense that cats simply do not give a damn about the rules, they do whatever the hell they want and don't even feel sorry or bad about doing them because that's who they are.
When it comes to destroying furniture they are the best at it, it's just ridiculous how far they would go in order to sabotage your belongings, but at the end, you just can't get mad at them because they're so adorable and cuddly.
1. Stap, let me help you with that

2. His face is priceless

3. Get a cat, they say, it will be fun!

4. Sorry you but not your hamster

5. Your changes of getting killed by a cat are low, but never zero

6. His face tho

7. Look at me, you are my slave now

8. You should not put those vase at here, this is our places now

9. Smol but mighty, and you are next Karen

10. Want me eat your homework?

11. The neighbor sending Hi

12. Cat zone, f*uck off Karen
13. Now we know who is the next one
14. Sup? Your clothes are next

15. Listen now, from today I'm the owner
via buzzfeed