Photos Of Cats Sleeping In The Strangest Places – KingdomOfCats

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Photos Of Cats Sleeping In The Strangest Places

KingdomOfCat Admin

Cats spend an average of 16 hours each day sleeping, and that's not strange at all. But places they choose to take naps are. They love to sleep in vases, trees, terrariums…

You've spent a fortune on the best cat bed available, and then she chooses to sleep in the box the bed came in. Cat logic is something that we can't understand. But it's what makes them so charming.

People love to share photos of their cats sleeping in the weirdest places, and we have compiled a list of the best of them. We know you are going to enjoy them.

1. Five steps for your cat

2. 4 Beds For 3 Cats And They Do This

3. Cat Logic

4. Al Chooses To Hang Out In The Trash Instead Of His Bed

5. Thank you hooman, what a nice bag 

6. Sand paper

7. We Put Our Cat's Bed Inside Of A Box So She Would Use It

8. New Bed

9. My BF Spent 3 Months On An Outdoor Heated Cat House For My Guy. Hasn't Stepped Into It

10. Has An $100 Cat Bed, And Yet She’s Been Sleeping In This Bag For 2 Days Now And Won’t Get Out

11. We Got Him A Bed, But Then A Paper Towel Fell On The Floor, So Nevermind

12. Money Not Well Spent

13. I Just Spent $70 On A Cat Bed And Woke Up To Find This

14. Great choice you made there...

15. My Little Ones Have A Soft Cushy $30 Pet Bed Yet Prefer To Nap In Their Dad's Slippers

16. My Baby Loves Her New Bed

17. Got Them A Bed And 10 Different Blankets, They Won't Sleep Anywhere Else Than On My Laptop Bag

18. Hi there hooman, can you, please help?

19. Best 200$ you spent there hooman

20. Comfy

21. Sent My Mom A Cute Cat Bed For Her Two Cats. She Sent Me Back This Picture

22. I guess I wasted my money, again...

23. I choose you, the heater

24. Bought Him A Nice Cat Bed- Refuses To Use It Without The Box Inside It

25. New bed, new position

26. Cat Was Tired And Jumped Into My Daughter Doll House And Actually Used The Bed


28. He has 5 beds...

29. He Has Access To About Seven Cat Beds But He Prefers Hanging On The Back Of A Chair. Why

30. Got Emmylou A Cat Bed

31. Comfortable

32. There Are Three Cat Beds In The Room. No Need To Share

33. Nice cat tree you got there hooman, I like it

34. Ungrateful Cat

35. She Dragged This Cardboard Onto Her Bed Instead Of Just Laying On The Bed

36. Why Lie Down On The Cat Bed When You Can Use The Fruit Basket Instead

37. Cat Logic Is Difficult To Understand, They Said

38. I Planted Oat Grass For The Cat To Snack On, She Decided It Makes A Good Bed

39. My Cat Has Never Quite Figured Out How His Bed Is Supposed To Work

40. Five Beds And Ten Chairs In The House. He Sits On The Eggs

41. This one is a comfortable place hooman

42. This Was In The Way Of Padma's Usual Napping Spot, She Made The Most Logical Decision

43. Just Bought A New Cat Bed. That's Not How You Use It, Sweetie

44. My Cat's Kittens Have Found A New Cozy Bed... In A Cup Holder

45. I Think Someone's Got The Wrong Bed

46. My mom made a fancy bed but my cat say nah

47. My girlfriend brought a pot, and after that...

48. My cat say nope

49. You wasted your money again, hooman


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