Hilarious Photos Of Cats Being As Dumb As They Possibly Can Be – KingdomOfCats

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Hilarious Photos Of Cats Being As Dumb As They Possibly Can Be

KingdomOfCat Admin

Trying to understand the reasoning behind everything a cat does will probably drive you insane, they're the most selfish creatures on earth and they do things just because they have the ability to.

They're actually pretty smart but their curiosity often puts them in the most uncomfortable and weird situations which gives the impression that they're stupid, which is rarely the case.

These cats are the epitome of stupidity, even if you try to come up with an explanation to these photos you won't be able to because they're just way too absurd and incredibly confusing. You will be very thankful for your smart cat after seeing these photos.

1. I can't leave you alone for one second, can I?

2. Some cats bring their humans birds and mice...Oliver brings me teabags

3. I know cats like to sleep in weird positions, but this is probably the most ridiculous

4. My friends cat got it's head stuck in a vase, freaked out, broke the vase, and was left with this

5. My cat is grounded indefinitely

6. He is crying because he thinks he is locked out ... Dumb as a brick but he is mine and I love him

7. Hello there hooman, what took you so long

8. We actually had to help him down.. Funny

9. I don't think that's how you're supposed to do it

10. This is how my friend found the cat in the bathroom

11. I identify as a snake, leave me alone

12. How to eat dinner, in style

13. I hear my cat crying in the bathroom, walking in, I see this.

14. My cat keeps trying to steal the feather duster, luckily he never gets too far...

15. My cat is an idiot but adorable

16. This is how I like to do it, leave me alone


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