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1. So hooman, we need to talk
2. Hot sleeping potato
3. Snow, is all I need
4. Oh hooman, you are back home early today
5. My new fort, I am safety here
6. You must be kidding me humans
7. Hmm, chimken
8. Wasn't me human
9. Sorry teacher and friends, I am too sleepy
10. The kind of pawty I ever wanted
11. The most beautiful view
12. How about both huh
13. The kind of puprito I want right now
14. Choose one, but not fur please
15. Telling the world that I am beautiful
16. Bring a corgi to me, and I am be your!
17. Mine kind of favorite
18. It is already
19. And I wait till 3AM bark and demand treats
20. Now you know
21. But now I am a chubby fuzzy corgo
22. Every time
23. Four corgos on the table, three demand treats and one is jealous
24. Did someone just turn off the light?
25. I don't know how, but I am cute, that is all!
26. Good boi running into your heart
27. This loaf has too much sugar on
28. Happy corgo baby