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Cat Ideas

The Cutest and Creative Cat Valentine Cards

The Cutest and Creative Cat Valentine Cards

  Join over 32,000 of your crazy cat lovers and get daily news Funny and cat memes. Directly to your inbox. (We hate spamming, and send only what necessary to you) Subscribe   Who wouldn’t love these cute cat Valentine Cards? They are adorable! Now that New Year’s and Christmas are over, it’s time to start planning for Valentine’s Day (believe it or not!). Cats are SO popular right now. Seriously, whenever I walk into a store it seems like there is cat everything. My little sister is 6 years old and super obsessed with anything that has to do with...

Hilarious Comics That Reveal The Reality Of Living With Cats

Hilarious Comics That Reveal The Reality Of Living With Cats

Many people feel that a house only becomes a home when a cat lives there. If your family includes a cat, you’re in good company. Cats are popular pets and they bring much love and joy to their human companions. However, it’s not all candies and flowers in the life with cats. They are cunning and unpredictable creatures. They could pee on your favorite dress, or break your precious vase, while waking you up at 3am for absolute no reason! You will never know with cats. Scroll down to check out these comics for more examples of how life with cats...

The Best Cat Tattoos For Christmas And New Year

Tags Cat tattoo, Cat tattoo for Chistmas

The Best Cat Tattoos For Christmas And New Year

For those of us who need more than just a photo of our furry best friend. Some people get their lover's name inked on their body. Others prefer detailed portraits of their furry best friend. If you’re a fan of super-sweet, fine-lined drawings and are thinking about enshrining precious memories of your pet in tattoo ink. Down below are the top 50 the best cat tattoos idea for Christmas 2020 and New Year 2021. Take a look 1. The council of catto 2. Black cat and the moon tattoo 3. Cattoo tattoo under toes 4. Fabulous cat tattoo reaction 5....

Gift Guide To Cat Lovers and Owner Christmas 2020

Tags Gift Guide for Cat Lovers

Gift Guide To Cat Lovers and Owner Christmas 2020

It's a given that pets are part of the family. So, when it comes to holiday gifting, make sure the fur-babies are on your Christmas shopping list. Whether you have a friend who loves cats (or you love cats yourself!), we've got tons of ideas from stocking stuffers to one-of-a-kind cat-themed Christmas present ideas they'll remember forever. From home decor to pretty accessories and plenty of treats and toys for cats of all ages, there's something for every cat lover. You'll probably find one (or two) presents you need for your own little bundle of fur. After all, our pets...

Hilarious 10-Step Guide Goes To Extreme Lengths Explaining How To Give a Cat a Pill

Tags How To Give a Cat a Pill

Hilarious 10-Step Guide Goes To Extreme Lengths Explaining How To Give a Cat a Pill

Have you ever had to try getting a cat to take a pill? If you have, you will know that there aren't many tasks harder. Some owners don't even bother trying; they just pay the vet to do it! Well, Nick Filippou, the creator of 'I iz Cat' has come up with a 10-step comic guide to show us exactly how it's done! “I’ve given pills to my own cat and some shelter cats I volunteer at,” Nick said. “It’s never a fun experience, haha. It’s kind of always been a battle.” Although Nick's guide is comical, he does have...