30 Differences Between Cats And Dogs That Will Make You Laugh – KingdomOfCats

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30 Differences Between Cats And Dogs That Will Make You Laugh

KingdomOfCat Admin

There have always been two groups of people: dog persons and cat persons and there is a never-ending battle between these groups. Cats and dogs have fundamentally opposite personalities. Dogs tend to be more sociable, playful, and a little silly at times. On the other hand, cats are more independent, cunning, and not very sentimental. For this reason, cat people and dog people are also somewhat opposite. However, there’s nothing wrong to love them both at the same time. Each of them are lovable in their own way.

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1. Just a cat look like me, but not me

2. It's a trap!


3. Fluffy and cute, but sorry I am not

4. Guys! Don't


5. I can watch this all day


6. Opps, hooman, not again


7. I know what you guys thinking...


8. Me every time I said I'm lonely and need someone


9. Next will be fishes


10. Sometime I don't understand hooman


11. We always have a pet like this...


12. What are you doing behind the door?


13. I hope this glassy thing can bounce


14. Not this time, later hooman


15. Only cat owners will understand this


16. Everything, off the table


17. Woo Wooh hooman woo


18. True


19. Don't ever sniff that my son


20. I am the only one you will watch


21. Gotta be smart fella


22. True, he can't go out here, how about singing him a song?


23. Ah, fresh and new


24. And jump on him too


25. No catto, not this time


26. He know everything


27. Take your foot back, don't let me me scratch you

28. Mud, and some leafs

29. Then I will teach them

30. Take this hooman, then feed me


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