Pets are a big part of life in many parts of the world, and one of the most popular pets is the common house cat. They are known for their independent and proud character, but this doesn’t mean that they always do perfect things. Sometimes, they do things that are strange to us human folk. They behave such oddly that experienced cat owners can’t understand what their cats really want. They do whatever the hell they want and don’t care anyone, even their humans. But no matter how bizarre they are, they are still our excellent pets that we can’t stop loving.
We love cats because they can make us smile even on the grumpiest of the days. For this reason, we collected some strange, endearing things that our cats do to share with you. These cats are so weird that we think they need to check and reset their settings. Scroll below to see!
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1. There’s no room at the inn…
2. I am quite comfortable sitting this way. No need to worry!
3. My cat is lying on the ground after giving up its bed to a mouse
4. The floor is lava
5. I think I was born into the wrong family. I need to be a dog
6. It’s selfie time…
7. Come on! Tell me everything that’s bothering you
8. I couldn’t find my cat for an hour
9. Why did you bring your camera again, human
10. How my boyfriend’s mom’s cat sits
11. You don’t mind if I sit here, do you?
12. I was doing some work late at night and my cat did this
13. The tip of this tabby cat’s tail is orange
14. Hey there? Can you see me?
15. My cat is kinda weird sometimes
16. She never meows for us to let her in. She just…. intensely stares at us until we do
17. I’ll wait right here for dinner
18. On a ride with the unicorn
19. Hey there! Do I look like Batcat?
20. How am I gonna use this pot when I grow up, I wonder?