Cat Waits by the Door Each Day to Greet the Person Who Didn't Hesitate – KingdomOfCats

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Cat Waits by the Door Each Day to Greet the Person Who Didn't Hesitate to Help Her and Four Kittens

The Team

A cat waits by the door each day to greet the person who didn't hesitate to help her and her four kittens.


Mellissa, founder of Tiny but Mighty Kitten Rescue, received an urgent request to help a pregnant cat. Her family could no longer keep her and wanted to find a safe haven for her.

Originally rescued from a parking lot, Moon, the cat, was incredibly friendly, loving, and trusting and quickly adjusted to her new surroundings. The moment Mellissa made the slightest movement, she was instantly by her side, eager for affection.

"Just five days after arriving, she went into labor in the middle of the night," Mellissa shared with us.


"I woke up early that morning and went in to feed her just to be surprised that she had given birth to four kittens - two girls and two boys. Moon was happy and content with her newborns."

Moon trusted her human wholeheartedly as she changed her bedding and gently moved her babies onto a clean towel. She seemed grateful for all the help she could get and delighted by the endless food she could devour.

Her appetite soared as she continued to nurse her kittens around the clock. "This girl was so ready for her next large can of kitten food."

Moon started waiting by the door every day, greeting Mellissa with the cutest "smile" and loud demands for food. She ate so fast, barely stopping to breathe. Once she had her fill, she rubbed up against her human as if to thank her for the meal.

"This mama makes biscuits constantly - in the air, on the floor, on a blanket, even on her babies. She doesn't care where. She's such a happy girl."

As the kittens opened their eyes, they discovered the world around them, shuffling through the nest and trying to venture outside.

Aurora (tuxedo) wiggled to the edge of the bed to greet her foster mom while her siblings were busy nursing. "Her eyes were barely open, but she was still determined to check things out."

With toys strewn about, Moon surprised everyone with how much she enjoyed playing.

"Her favorite toys have been the cat charmer, the feather wand, and the tower of tracks, but she also loves to chase toys when I throw them around the room."

As the kittens grew more adventurous and fearless in their escapades, Mellissa moved them to a larger space where they could explore freely.

Moon continues to greet her foster mom in the most charming way, filling the room with soothing purrs. She watches as Mellissa cleans the room, fills the bowls, and sets out new toys for her to try.

Cyrus, the bravest of the litter, was the first to sample big kitty food.

He also discovered he could demand to be picked up and was soon on his way to becoming a lap cat.

"Moon got a little nervous and protective when he decided to wander off a little too far for her liking. She tried to carry him back to the nest."

As weaning began, all four kittens quickly got the hang of eating from a bowl and showed voracious appetites, just like their mom. While they chowed down on their food, Moon watched attentively, ready to jump in to wash their faces.

Moon followed her kittens to the litter box and cheered them on as they learned to use it for the first time. "She is such a supportive mom. These babies are so lucky."

"The kittens are now six weeks old, and Moon has started playing with them. It's very sweet to watch."

This is her second and final litter. With the help of her foster family, Moon is rediscovering her inner kitten, chasing after toys and bouncing around with playful antics.

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