Cat News
20 Kitties That Will Bring A Smile To Your “Monday Morning” Face
Wake up, go to work, come back home, sleep and repeat. This is our life nowadays. Our lives have become so much busy and stressed that we hardly get time for beautiful memories and wholesome moments. With this hectic routine and artificial lives, we wonder what can make our lives better? What can put a smile on our faces in such times? Kitties. Yes, only kitties can do this purrfectly and especially when they are small in size. Who wouldn’t smile to see a small kitten? Join over 32,000 of your crazy cat lovers and get daily news Funny...
18 Hilarious Situations That Every Cat Owner Is Familiar With
Cat lovers and cat owners, you must know how mischievous our little felines are, right? They absolutely love surprising us with the weirdest acts and their absolutely hilarious expressions! Even though there are tons of different cat breeds but still a majority of the cats have similar personalities. Today, we have gathered up a collection of pictures that every cat owner or cat fan can relate to! On top of that, we are certain that you won’t be able to stop smiling while going through these pictures! So, let’s start scrollin’; Join over 32,000 of your crazy cat lovers...
17 Pics That Prove Dogs and Cats Have Special Relationships That We Can Never Understand
Well, a majority of us have always believed that cats and dogs are hardcore rivals, right? But that isn’t entirely true! They do appear to be aggressive towards each other but there are many instances that prove that both the species can have special relationships as well. While cats are known to be the “moody” ones, dogs are calm and humble. If you have a dog and a cat living in the same house, you would know what we are talking about. Join over 32,000 of your crazy cat lovers and get daily news Funny and cat memes. Directly...
18 Cats That Purr Out From the Furry Crowd With Their Unique Features
Ask any cat owner what type of cat they have and you’ll probably hear something along the lines: Oh she’s a Norwegian spotted forest cat or something else equally fancy, but when you look at the cat, it’s just an orange cat, no different from all the other orange cats you’ve ever seen. So naturally, you just smile, nod, and admire that cute little fuzzball in all its ordinary but adorable glory. Join over 32,000 of your crazy cat lovers and get daily news Funny and cat memes. Directly to your inbox. (We hate spamming, and send only what necessary to you)...
20 Times Cats Adopted Humans, Not The Other Way Around
We might say that cats have human owners but we all know that statement is not at all correct. I mean we are all well aware that we act more like butlers than someone who ‘owns’ a living being. And while cats might not understand our language, they understand enough to manipulate us into doing their bidding. Now, don’t get me wrong I love cats and have a kitty myself as well but that doesn’t mean I don’t know the truth. Join over 32,000 of your crazy cat lovers and get daily news Funny and cat memes. Directly to...