Kittens are charismatic, unpredictable and absolutely adorable. A woman recently took in three kittens to foster from her local shelter
However, she never expected one of the kittens to turn on the charm and pose for the camera.
Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup, five-week-old kittens, are currently living with Lauren Boutz. The three sisters are known as the Powerpuff girls. One day, Blossom flashed an adorable smile in appreciation to Lauren and it was too adorable not to share.
Photos: Facebook/Lauren Boutz
Lauren, a longtime foster with the City of Albuquerque Animal Welfare Department, held a photoshoot with her friend Gary Sanchez who captured Blossom’s smile. The sweet feline sat up straight and tilted her head a little before she looked directly at the camera.
The caption read, “Blossom smiling for the camera.” It went on to say, “Also, credit goes to Gary Sanchez for actual close up pics. (And he’s the one in the pic! 😊)”.
Photo: Facebook/Lauren Boutz
The photos were shared on social media and instantly went viral with over 217K shares. Who can resist that face?!
Any photo of Blossom is perfect, but when she smiles it is impossible not to smile in return.
Photos: Facebook/Lauren Boutz
Thousands of people commented and said the photos made their day. One person said, “my heart can't handle this level of adorable.” Another wrote, “I love all cats (really all animals in general) but this little baby is possibly the cutest furry thing I’ve ever seen in my entire life. I love her sweet little face😍😍😍”.
Eventually, all the Powerpuff Girls will be available for adoption. In the meantime, be sure to follow their adventures on Facebook. It is guaranteed to make your day.
Photos: Facebook/Lauren Boutz
Lauren encourages others to foster and save lives. She wrote, “Fostering saves lives. Before fostering programs, shelters would (and some still do!) euthanize kittens that came in too young to eat on their own or be left alone through the night. So, reach out to your local shelter or rescue! Fosters are ALWAYS NEEDED. Plus, you get to snuggle with cuties like Blossom!”
Remember to adopt not shop!
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