This Cat Was So Ugly No One Wanted Her Until a Rescuer Came Along – KingdomOfCats

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This Cat Was So Ugly No One Wanted Her Until a Rescuer Came Along

KingdomOfCat Admin

Tags Cat News

 She was found in the streets of Istanbul, Turkey back in 2008. She was completely covered in maggots, that were eating her slowly. We name her Gulumser, she who always smile because the maggots had eaten most of her face and upper lip. Her rescue became viral in news outlets and websites all over the world. Gulumser was treated from her condition and was adopted in the Netherlands



 The cat was in the Trush cans when the brave girl found him, in a position that needs love and rescue. So she decided to get the Cat with her and tried to convince her father to help the miserable Cat. She took the feline to the Vets and that last gave him the proper medicine and surgically repaired the roughest of features.

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